The Gift Wrap Division of Labor

Wrapped Christmas giftsMy dear dear husband came home from work a couple of weeks ago and commented on my November 29 blog post.  It’s the one where I talked about all the holiday tasks piling up.

“You talked about wrapping gifts in your post.  I’m the one who actually wraps most of the gifts.”

How right he is.  Technically.

In the interest of full disclosure to you, my readers, we have a gift wrap division of labor in our household, mostly because I was tired of wrapping all the gifts and he’s actually quite good at doing it.  This doesn’t include gifts to each other, which we wrap ourselves.

I do all the shopping and prep the gifts.  I consult with him on gifts and budget for family members and then I buy everything.  I box everything up and pick out which wrapping paper I want on which gift.

He wraps all the gifts.  I leave him a big pile of gifts with post-it notes on them.  He wraps everything.  He’s actually better at this than I am – his edges are straighter and he actually tries to match the pattern whenever there’s a seam.

I ribbon and tag.  Someday I’ll explain my unhealthy infatuation with wire ribbon.  When he finishes wrapping the gifts, I go through my wire ribbon collection and make pretty bows for each package.  Finally, I select and write a coordinating gift tag.

Are we a team, or what??

Do you wrap all the gifts in your house?  Do you have family members help?

2 thoughts on “The Gift Wrap Division of Labor

  1. That’s kind of like my parents! My mom buys everything, including wrapping paper and then my dad wraps. He is also a fantastic wrapper and for not really being artistic in any way, likes making fun creases and designs in the paper. This also means that he will be the first to point out any imperfections in our own wrapping…

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